| Read Time: 3 minutes | Scholarship

Announcing the 2023 Scholarship Winner

We’d like to say thank you to all those who took the time to submit applications for our scholarship. After carefully reviewing all of them, we are pleased to announce the winner of our 2023 scholarship. Gabriel Monahan Congratulations! Gabriel is attending Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College. In his essay, Gabriel explains what he believes should...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Domestic Violence

What Happens at a Domestic Violence Hearing in Florida?

What happens at a domestic violence hearing in Florida depends on why you’re in court. Florida courts recognize two court actions that involve domestic violence. The first is a criminal case where the prosecutor charges someone with a crime involving domestic violence. The other is a domestic violence injunction hearing. These are separate cases, even though they might be...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Domestic Violence

How Long Can You Go to Jail for Domestic Violence in Florida?

Florida has strict domestic violence laws that allow a judge to send someone to jail for a long time. But just how long you spend in jail depends on the underlying charge. Domestic violence is always charged alongside another crime, such as domestic violence assault or battery—and even some of these underlying charges can be charged as either a...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Criminal Defense

Six Best Criminal Defense Attorneys in Orlando, FL

Orlando’s Top Criminal Defense Lawyers As criminal defense lawyers, we understand the importance of finding the right legal representation for your case. You might not know where to start looking without a personal referral to one or more of Orlando’s best criminal defense attorneys. If you’re researching online, sifting through pages of search results can be overwhelming. Many lists...

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| Read Time: 3 minutes | Sex Crimes

How to Get Out of Statutory Rape Charges in Florida

When people get charged with a crime, the first thing they want to know is how to get out of trouble. It is not uncommon for our clients to ask how to get out of statutory rape charges in Florida. That’s perfectly natural.  Statutory rape charges in Florida are incredibly serious. When the government levels these charges at you,...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Resisting Arrest

How Much Time Can You Get for Resisting Arrest in Florida?

As Florida criminal defense attorneys, we are often asked, Can you get jail time for resisting arrest? And the answer is yes. Depending on the circumstances, a resisting arrest conviction in Florida can land you behind bars for several years. It also comes with a slew of other possible consequences. The best way to avoid spending any time in...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Resisting Arrest

How to Get a Resisting Arrest Charge Dropped in Florida

The key to getting a resisting arrest charge dropped in Florida is first to understand the law and, second, to hire an experienced criminal defense attorney. On its own, a resisting arrest charge could land you behind bars for several months. Charged along with other offenses, it can compound the potential penalties.  What Is Resisting Arrest in Florida?  In...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Domestic Violence

Common Defenses to Domestic Violence in Florida

A conviction for domestic violence can hold severe punishment and affect family relationships, social relationships, and professional reputations. A charge for domestic violence does not necessarily mean a conviction. If you have been charged with domestic violence, let the experienced domestic violence defense attorneys at Moses and Rooth explain the domestic violence defenses available to you. Under Florida Statute...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Drug Charges

Possession of a Firearm While in Possession of Marijuana – Charge Dismissed

BREAKING NEWS A Federal Judge in Oklahoma has dismissed an indictment charging a man with possession of a firearm while also in possession of marijuana.  Judge Patrick Wyrick ruled that the law prohibiting marijuana users from possessing firearms was unconstitutional and a violation of the Second Amendment. This is a big deal.  It is the first Federal Court to...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Probation Violation

What Happens at a Probation Violation Hearing in Florida?

A probation violation hearing is a critical court proceeding. The judge will review the evidence and rule on whether you violated the terms and conditions of your probation. The judge could sentence you to the maximum penalty allowed by law if you lose this hearing. That means you could end up in jail or prison, even if you are...

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