| Read Time: 3 minutes | Bad Check

How Much Jail Time Can You Get for Bad Checks?

If you have a checking account or a debit card, chances are you’ve written a check or used your debit card when your account was running low. It happens to almost everyone. That’s a mistake, not a crime. Bouncing a check is a crime when you know that your account has no funds or you use fake checks to...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Domestic Violence

What Happens When You Get a Domestic Violence Charge?

Heated arguments sometimes happen between domestic partners. People say and do things in the heat of the moment that they ultimately regret. A domestic violence charge sometimes arises out of these disputes. Unfortunately, calling the police to settle the dispute often leads to one person finding themselves under arrest—even if no physical assault occurred. It is important to know...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Sex Crimes

Is Sexual Assault A Felony In Florida?

If you have been charged with a sexual crime, you may wonder, Is sexual assault a felony in Florida? Sexual assault, also known as sexual battery in Florida, is a very serious criminal offense. Sexual battery is also synonymous with rape. The severity of the penalties for sexual assault varies depending on the alleged victim’s age and the circumstances...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Criminal Defense

Can Police Press Charges If the Victim Doesn’t Want To?

When police receive a call to respond to an emergency, they often arrive at a chaotic and emotional scene. It’s their job to figure out what happened.  They will take down statements from people and look at any available physical evidence. Then the investigating officers have to make a call: Will they arrest or charge someone with a crime?...

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| Read Time: 3 minutes | Domestic Violence

Explaining Domestic Battery Charges in Florida

If you or a loved one faces charges for domestic battery in Florida, you might be worried about what could happen. Fear of the unknown is perfectly natural. Finding the right domestic battery defense lawyer for you may help ease your mind. Having an experienced, successful, and dedicated defense lawyer who has handled numerous battery and domestic violence cases...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Criminal Defense

Reckless Driving In Florida Charges: Meaning, Penalties and Defenses

If you’ve picked up a reckless driving ticket in Florida, you might be wondering what kind of trouble you’re facing. A reckless driving conviction can lead to major legal difficulties, and you could suffer terrible consequences in your personal life as well.  Fighting your reckless driving charge with the help of an experienced traffic defense lawyer can help you...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Criminal Defense

What Is Sexual Battery In Florida?

Sexual battery in Florida is a serious charge, as a conviction could send you to prison for decades, if not for life. Additionally, you could suffer other life-altering consequences like being forced to register as a sex offender if you are convicted of sexual battery.  The sex assault defense lawyers from Moses and Rooth are former state prosecutors who...

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| Read Time: 5 minutes | Criminal Defense

Explaining Third-Degree Felonies

You might wonder where your life is headed if you have a 3rd-degree felony in Florida hanging over your head. You probably know that felonies are serious offenses and that a conviction for a felony could land you in prison. The truth is, any felony conviction could have serious repercussions for you and your family. We know it is...

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| Read Time: 5 minutes | Drug Charges

What Are The Penalties For A First-time Possession Charge In Florida?

First Time Drug Possession Charges in Florida Being charged with drug possession can be an overwhelming experience, especially if it’s your first time. Florida has strict drug laws, and it’s important to understand the consequences of drug charges. Below, we’ll answer some common questions about first-time drug possession charges in Florida to help you navigate this difficult situation.  What...

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| Read Time: 7 minutes | DUI

First Offense DUI in Florida: What Happens Now?

Getting arrested for DUI can be a frightening time in your life. There’s a good chance you’ve never had a criminal charge before, and you’re wondering what will happen. That’s perfectly normal.  The aftermath of a first-time DUI in Florida can be overwhelming. You probably have many legal questions. You might even be wondering if you have any chance...

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