Traffic Ticket Lawyers in Orlando


A traffic violation can mean a fine, points on your license, and a higher insurance rate. A criminal traffic offense can mean imprisonment.

If you have been charged with a traffic infraction or with a criminal traffic offense, protect your rights. Contact a traffic violations defense lawyer.

Orlando Traffic Ticket Lawyers and Former Prosecutors

Call 24 Hours a Day • 407-377-0150

Whether you are a Florida resident or an out-of-state tourist, a Florida traffic violation can affect your driving privileges and cost time and money.

Make sure you understand your rights. At the Moses and Rooth law firm, our traffic violations lawyers are available to answer your questions and explain your rights.

Case Analysis

When we represent you, we will analyze your case. We will listen to your memory of the traffic stop, review the evidence, and explain your options.

Our traffic ticket defense law firm will work with you to limit the damages from your ticket.

Speeding Ticket • Reckless Driving Ticket 

All of these infractions will add points to your driver’s license. Depending on the circumstances, your Moses and Rooth Orlando defense lawyer can seek lower charges and fewer points.

When you accumulate too many points, your license could be revoked. Protect your driving privileges. Contact a traffic violations lawyer at Moses and Rooth in Orlando.

Driving With Suspended License • Driving With Revoked License • Leaving the Scene of an Accident 

When you are facing a criminal traffic charge, it is especially important to be represented by an experienced criminal traffic offense attorney.

At the Moses and Rooth law firm, you will be represented by a former prosecutor who is thoroughly familiar with the laws and the court system.

The charges you are facing are serious and can have a major impact on your life.

At our criminal defense law firm, you will find a criminal traffic offense attorney who cares about what happens to you.

Learn More About Other Traffic Violation Issues

Orlando Traffic Ticket FAQs

What are the Most Common Traffic Tickets Issued in Florida?

Law enforcement officers in Florida can issue traffic citations for a wide range of different specific offenses.

According to data contained in the Annual Uniform Traffic Citation Report, the most common traffic tickets issued in Orange County in 2018 were as follows:

  1. Red light camera tickets;
  2. Speeding violations;
  3. Careless driving tickets;
  4. Toll violation fines;
  5. Driving with a suspended/revoked license; 
  6. Improper lane change tickets; and
  7. Stop sign violations. 

How Do I Fight a Traffic Ticket in Orange County, Florida?

If you received a traffic citation in Florida, you always have the option to challenge the ticket. Whether or not fighting the ticket is the best option in your case will depend entirely on the specific circumstances of your case.

Check your ticket. There should be instructions on it that you can follow to initiate a dispute.

If you are prepared to fight the ticket, it is strongly recommended that you speak to a top-rated Orlando ticket lawyer who has the skills and experience to build a strong case and get the ticket dismissed outright.

What Does It Mean to Be Labeled a Habitual Traffic Offender (HTO) in Florida?

If you were convicted of or pled guilty to three serious traffic violations or fifteen total moving violations within a single five-year period, the state of Florida will designate you as a habitual traffic offender (HTO).

This is a very serious problem. A habitual traffic offender designation should not be taken lightly.

In Florida, habitual traffic offender status comes with an automatic five-year revocation of your driver’s license

If you have already been or are at risk of being labeled a habitual traffic offender, you need to contact an experienced traffic defense attorney in Central Florida as soon as possible.

You may still have options available to either avoid the designation and save your license or to obtain a temporary hardship license. Our ticket lawyer in Orlando is standing by, ready to take action to protect your rights.

Can I Go to Jail for Driving With a Suspended License in Florida?


Driving with a suspended license is a criminal violation in Florida.

Even if it is only your first offense, driving with a suspended or revoked license is still a second-degree misdemeanor offense. A conviction for this offense carries a maximum sentence of 60 days in prison and a $500 fine.

In addition, your license may be suspended for even longer or it may be revoked outright. If you were arrested for driving with a suspended license, you should contact an experienced Orlando traffic violation lawyer for help.

If your license is at risk of being suspended or revoked, you may still have options to save your license. Further, if your license has already been suspended, our law firm can help you explore your options to get access to a hardship license. Do not risk it on a suspended license. Our Orlando traffic offense lawyers can help you find a better option

Where can I find Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicle Forms?

You can find links to all forms on the Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicle website here.