| Read Time: 2 minutes | Theft

Orlando’s Puppy Thief

A woman was recently arrested for stealing a puppy in Orlando. The puppy was a $1,295 Yorkie that was up for sale at an Orlando pet store. The surveillance video from the store depicts the woman taking the puppy from a cage. After the woman saw the surveillance video on television she returned the puppy by placing it in...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Criminal Defense

White Collar Crimes: A Primer

White-collar crimes are financially-motivated crimes that can occur in almost any professional setting. Most commonly, white collar criminals will launder money, usurp corporate funds, commingle accounts, evade taxes, or commit other actions of fraud and indiscretion. The greatest misconception about white collar criminals is that they include only wealthy persons—while in fact, anybody can be involved in a white-collar...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Theft

Shoplifting and Theft Crimes in Florida

Shoplifting and retail fraud is a $44 billion industry, according to a recent report between the University of Florida and the National Retail Federation. Shoplifting offenses range from stealing a candy bar to stealing expensive jewelry, or even a pet, as this Florida woman learned the hard way. Retail fraud can involve price switching (changing price tags to ring...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Criminal Defense

The Serious Consequences of Identity Theft and Fraud

Gone are the days when our identities were protected so long as we had our wallet and identification on us. Thieves do not even need our state-issued IDs to steal our identity or our plastic to get our credit card numbers in the digital age. Thieves can now collect more than just this information about us—they can take unemployment...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Criminal Defense

Penalties and Enhancements

Dangerous Weapons Offenses in Florida Florida has one of the toughest gun control laws in the country. The controversial “10-20-Life” model assigns a mandatory minimum prison sentence of 10 years for when an offender possesses or pulls a gun during the commission of certain crimes. Mere possession of a firearm or other specific weapons can be a crime if...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Theft

When Theft Becomes Grand Theft

Being arrested for theft may constitute a bad day, but the day becomes much worse if the charge is for grand theft. Ultimately, the severity of punishment for a felony grand theft is substantially worse than being convicted for petit theft. If you have been charged with grand theft or petit theft, contact the experienced criminal defense attorneys of...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Criminal Defense

Theft, Robbery, and Burglary; What is the Difference?

Charges for theft, robbery, and burglary all involve the taking of another’s property, though the charges vary by how and where the activity took place. Being convicted of any of the above can bring serious penalties and long-term consequences, such as the possibility of future employment. If you have been charged with theft, robbery, or burglary, the experienced criminal...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | Theft

Florida law enforcement is cracking down on cyber crime this month

October has been designated National Cyber Security Awareness Month. As a result, Florida officials are cracking down on cyber theft crimes, internet child pornography crimes and other electronically-based offenses. Florida is being targeted by both state and federal officials especially, due to the number of identity theft cases which have been reported to the Federal Trade Commission in recent...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | Theft

Tax Identity Theft Prevalent in Florida

Much safer than dealing drugs, experts say identity theft – especially tax identity theft – has become increasingly popular in Orlando and abroad. Though it often goes untracked, those accused of identity theft in Florida face lengthy prison sentences and hefty fines. The Federal Trade Commission reports Florida is at the epicenter of the remote crime in the United...

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