| Read Time: 2 minutes | Domestic Violence

Domestic assault charges to bring Georgia man back to Florida

A former football player for the University of Maine was arrested in Georgia and will be expedited back to Florida to face domestic assault charges. The man’s home is in Palm Beach County, where the alleged domestic violence took place. He is being accused of stabbing a man multiple times resulting in the man’s death and stabbing the mother...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | Domestic Violence

Clerks deputized in Florida to deal with domestic violence

The Clerk of Court in Orange County, Florida, has changed the way that the local government can deal with domestic violence situations. This was done, according to those involved, because there are domestic violence cases that need to be addressed on off hours; they do not always come up during the standard workday or even during the week. In...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Domestic Violence

Cheating accusation ends in domestic assault charge for officer

Florida law enforcement officers are often called out to intervene in domestic violence issues. Sometimes, they find themselves visiting the same home over and over when they have two people with volatile tempers living in the same household. Their job is to protect each individual from harm, even if it means arresting and charging someone with domestic battery or...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Domestic Violence

Florida woman charged after alleged domestic assault, firing gun

When emotions run high, it is all too easy for an ordinary argument to turn into a domestic violence situation. In some cases, violence may be directed against another person, such as domestic assault or battery. In other cases, the violence is the result of one individual’s anger or frustration over circumstances that have arguably gone too far. In...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | Domestic Violence

Thousands charged with domestic violence in Florida

Domestic violence charges are taken very seriously by law enforcement officials in Florida. Domestic violence charges can result in going to prison, paying fines and even having restricted or no access to your family. Law enforcement officials in Florida recently finished a domestic violence crackdown across the state. The Florida Sheriff’s Task Force arrested more than 2,500 people on...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | Domestic Violence

What to do if you have been charged with domestic violence

Being convicted of any criminal wrongdoing can affect your life in a myriad of ways. But being convicted of domestic violence charges can uniquely impact your access to your children, your right to legally carry weapons and even your ability to remain in your own home. For these and a host of other reasons, it is critical that you...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Domestic Violence

The Lautenberg Domestic Violence Gun Confiscation Law

The Lautenberg Domestic Violence Gun Confiscation Law states that if a person is convicted of a domestic violence involved misdemeanor, he or she cannot ship, transport, possess, or receive firearms or ammunition, and also adds to the list of “prohibited persons”. In this case, a prohibited person can now be a person convicted of a misdemeanor involving domestic violence...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | Domestic Violence

Florida court upholds rights of poor persons accused of crime

Florida criminal defendants too poor to afford their own representation may soon find themselves represented by counsel not employed as public defenders. When confronted with an overburdened criminal defense system, the Florida Supreme Court recently opted to value the rights of the criminally accused over certain interests of the state’s tax payers. In essence, the court ruled that if...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Domestic Violence

Florida judges tracking alleged domestic abusers via GPS

Judges in two Florida counties are mandating the use of GPS trackers in certain cases they deem to be high-risk. Individuals accused of committing acts of domestic violence in Osceola and Orange counties may be fitted with GPS devices designed to warn those associated with orders of protection in the event that their alleged abuser comes too close. At...

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