| Read Time: 2 minutes | Criminal Defense

Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor

Teenagers and other minors interact with law enforcement whenever a police officer suspects a minor violated the law. As a result of the interaction, a minor may be arrested, given a citation or held in custody until a parent can arrive. These interactions can be straightforward and simple to resolve. Matters become more complicated if a minor claims he...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Criminal Defense

5 Things You Didn’t Expect From a Drunk Driving Charge

by David W. Bate Emotional As a criminal defense lawyer in Bangor, ME, I have been practicing for over 20 years and it still surprises me every time: Ordinary people charged with drunk driving are devastated by the prospect of facing real criminal charges with real criminal consequences.  You are afraid to face family and friends.  Through mere negligent conduct,...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Criminal Defense

Tavares Mayor Accused of Fraud

Fraud is serious. Just ask recently arrested Tavares Mayor, Robert Wolfe. Mayor Wolfe is accused of committing fraud by submitting a false claim to his insurance company for $9,300 worth of damage to his home. It is alleged that Mayor Wolfe submitted a claim to his insurance company that he was forced to move out of his home due...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Criminal Defense

Should we Continue to Punish Felons After They Have Completed Their Sentence?

“A man without a vote is a man without protection.” –Lyndon B. Johnson A third Driving on a Suspended License, Possessing more than 20 grams of Marijuana, and Trespassing on a construction site. All felonies. If convicted of any one of these, you would lose your civil rights including the right to vote. These are just a few examples...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Criminal Defense

The Criminal Side of Online Dating

Love. Soulmate. Companionship. At some point we all want to experience it. We search high and low for someone who we can call our own and when we find him or her, most of us try to hold on tight. With the increase of technology and different paths available to find love, such as online dating, meeting people has...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Criminal Defense

Crimes that Result in Deportation

For many, the United States is a country that represents freedom and opportunity. This is especially so for those who are from developing countries trying to make a better life for themselves and their families. Though your intentions may be good, in Florida, you can potentially get involved in situations that are considered crimes. Though these crimes vary, when...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Criminal Defense

Do You Have a Defense to Your Robbery Charge?

Criminal records harm you wherever you go. You are automatically looked at in society with a stigma of dishonesty or as a violent person. However, when you have been accused of robbery, you do not get to choose which stigma follows you. Usually you are liable as both untrustworthy and violent. What happens when you have been falsely accused...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Criminal Defense

Understanding Expungements and Sealed Records

When we are young, we tend to be wild and free. Most youth do not question nor consider the impact of that their actions presently will have on their future. However, youthful bliss and its carefree nature can leave you with life altering consequences. For instance when you are arrested and/or charged with a crime you will have a...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Criminal Defense

Mandatory Minimums and Three Strikes Law in Florida

We have all heard of the phrase “three strikes and you are out.” The same philosophy applies in the case of the law. Three felonies and you are out, or rather imprisoned for a specific number of years. In most states when you have been convicted of two prior felonies, once you are convicted of a third, you will...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Criminal Defense

Have You Been Charged with Drug Trafficking?

Most crimes are considered serious crimes, however, amongst the most serious crimes such as murder or rape, are drug crimes. Drug crimes can result in serious consequences and without the right legal representation, you can be sent to prison for decades depending on the drug you possessed or were alleged to have possessed. Even if the drugs were not...

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