| Read Time: 2 minutes | Criminal Defense

I Just Got My First DUI in Orlando and Need A Lawyer, What Now?

You’ve just been charged with a DUI, so now what do you do? What you do next is crucial to the outcome of your case. An experienced DUI defense lawyer at Moses & Rooth can assure the best results and guide you through the DUI nightmare. First Step – Driver’s License Suspension Hearing The first step after receiving a...

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| Read Time: 3 minutes | Criminal Defense

Tactics Police Use to Catch People Buying & Selling Drugs in Florida

Tactics Police Use to Catch People Buying & Selling Drugs in Florida Police use a number of tactics in Florida to catch people buying or selling drugs. In 2013, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), drug crimes accounted for almost 30% of all arrests (not counting traffic offenses) in Florida. If you were arrested for buying or...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Criminal Defense

How do you defend criminal charges?

First, Orlando citizens never want to attempt to defend criminal charges on their own. They should do their research and select a good criminal defense attorney with a good track record. The stakes are high, and the percentage of a good outcome rises substantially with a good attorney. Keep in mind that a person is considered innocent until proven...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Criminal Defense

Man facing parole violation in Florida courts accused of arson

A criminal defendant in Daytona Beach has been arrested and is facing charges in connection with a series of nearly 30 arson incidents in the region. The man is currently charged with parole violations, disorderly conduct and resisting an officer, though he is suspected of igniting the string of Florida fires. He may be required to mount a criminal...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Criminal Defense

When are Search Warrants Valid? When are They Not?

The Fourth Amendment protects Americans from unreasonable and unlawful searches and seizures of their persons, homes, businesses and property. One practical Fourth Amendment check on law enforcement generally requires officers to obtain search warrants before they may lawfully search or seize a person’s property over the person’s objections. Given how critical evidence gathering can be to dismissal or conviction...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Criminal Defense

Pre-teen to mount criminal defense against murder allegations

A 12-year-old Florida boy has been arrested in connection with the murder of a 54-year-old man in late June. The young man, who was just one suspect in the case, apparently worked together with a second 16-year-old suspect. The pair will mount a criminal defense against allegations that they shot the victim in the head at a strip mall...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | Criminal Defense

No, you can’t marry your porn-filled computer

While this does not really fall under our normal blog post regarding criminal law, I decided to perform a public service to our readers. I figured that everyone should know that marriage to your computer is not permissible even in the crazy State of Florida. While my wife may think that I have an unhealthy relationship with my iPhone,...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | Criminal Defense

Proposed Florida law would make abuse of parents a crime

When individuals engage in certain behaviors, they can reasonably expect that they will face legal consequences if they are caught. For example, most Americans understand that robbery, murder, rape and other straightforward criminal acts are illegal. However, other behaviors are treated in potentially unexpected ways by the nuanced criminal justice system. Even some acts that could be considered violent...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | Criminal Defense

Jails and prisons are treated as mental health facilities

When individuals are arrested and convicted of criminal wrongdoing, they are often sent to jail or prison. We have previously written about the fact that numerous studies confirm that lengthy imprisonment terms are far less likely to do taxpayers and individuals convicted of low-level, non-violent crimes as much good as alternatives are. For example, individuals convicted of low-level and...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | Criminal Defense

Schools rethink zero tolerance policies for juvenile offenses

Over the past several years, many schools and school districts have developed so-called zero tolerance policies for a variety of offenses that kids and teens may commit. Some zero tolerance policies are understandable and arguably justified. For example, we live in an era in which children do not necessarily have good reason to feel safe at school. So, a...

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