| Read Time: < 1 minute | Sex Crimes

Florida lawmakers to revisit sex crime laws next session

Florida is known for its tough sex offender registration and general sentencing laws. However, some Florida lawmakers do not believe that existing laws related to sex crimes are strict enough. As a result, many lawmakers are vowing to introduce bills during the next legislative session designed to punish convicted offenders more severely. In particular, some state legislators are concerned...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | DUI

When can a BAC below 0.08 percent lead to a DUI conviction?

American adults are often quite cautious about keeping their blood alcohol content (BAC) levels under control before attempting to operate motor vehicles. Failure to keep one’s BAC below the legal limit of 0.08 percent can lead to drunk driving charges, so it is imperative that any adult planning to drive after drinking waits long enough for the alcohol in...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Traffic Offenses

Red Light Camera Traffic Tickets

Effective July 1, 2013, drivers that are issued a red light camera ticket will be permitted to contest the ticket in front of the city that issued the ticket. The hearing will have to take place within 60 days of the ticket being issued. Currently, the driver receiving the ticket only has 30 days to appeal the red-light camera...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Traffic Offenses

Texting While Driving

Florida has recently become the 41st state to enact a texting while driving ban. Governor Rick Scott recently signed the bill banning texting while driving in the state of Florida. Scott signed the bill on May 28, 2013.The texting while driving bill surprisingly took five years to pass.Texting while driving will be a secondary offense, meaning a police officer...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | Sex Crimes

Plea deal develops in Florida ‘Juliet and Juliet’ teen sex case

A recent high-profile case in Florida is illustrating just how complex teenage romance can become when young people decide to become physically intimate with each other. The defendant in this high-profile case has received a great deal of support from around the nation for one interesting reason. She is an 18-year-old charged with sex crimes related to an intimate...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Federal Crimes

Cases involving possible FBI errors are being scrutinized

The American public has become increasingly fascinated with criminal science and forensic evidence analysis over the past decade or so. A staggering number of popular television programs and bestselling books focus on the impact that these processes have on both the prosecution of accused persons and the criminal defense strategies of those who have been accused. As interesting and...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | Sex Crimes

Orlando Police arrest 7 people during prostitution sting

Accusations of committing a sex crime always carries a serious social stigma — no matter whether or not a person is convicted. Protecting reputations is one of the reasons why it can be beneficial to pursue a strong criminal defense. Not long ago, police busted six women and one man for prostitution near Orlando’s South Blossom Trail. Reports indicate...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | Federal Crimes

Why the Justice Safety Valve Act should be made law

When national crime rates reach all-time lows, one would expect that America’s federal prison population rate would similarly be situated at an all-time low. On the contrary, federal prisons are currently operating at a rate nearly forty percent above their capacity, despite record lows in national crime rates. Partially in response to this gross inconsistency, Congress has created an...

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| Read Time: 1 minute | Drug Charges

Addressing Florida’s incarceration transition inadequacies

The criminal justice system functions most basically on two levels. First, the system seeks to protect the public by deterring crime, prosecuting those crimes that occur and preventing former criminals from reoffending. Second, the system seeks to respect the rights of those who are accused, those who are convicted and those who have been released back into society. Too...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Federal Crimes

Supreme Court limits the power of Miranda-related silence

Thanks to a startling number of references in television, books and movies, most American adults understand their basic Miranda rights, even if they are unsure of what they are called. Generally, exercising one’s “right to remain silent” is perhaps the single-most well understood response to being arrested behind calling an attorney. Unfortunately, the United States Supreme Court recently handed...

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