| Read Time: 2 minutes | Criminal Defense

How Much Marijuana Can I Possess Before it is Considered a Felony?

How Much Weed Is A Felony in Florida? To many people, marijuana is considered a harmless drug. However, given that the laws vary from state to state, many would disagree. While it may seem as though marijuana is pretty much decriminalized in the United States, some states still have harsh penalties in place when it comes to possession of...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Drug Charges

Consequences of Mailing Drugs and Other Banned Substances in Orlando, FL

When mailing Christmas packages this holiday season, be careful not to mail any banned substances such as drugs. Even though marijuana is legal in some states, you cannot send it via the post office. This is called drug trafficking and comes with felony charges. Approximately 1,000 people are arrested every year for drug trafficking via the U.S. Postal Service....

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Drug Charges

What is Florida’s Drug Monitoring Program?

Illegal drug use is not the only substance abuse issue in the United States. Prescription drug abuse is also on the rise. Many people have died from overdoses, and now many states are taking steps to prevent this problem. In 2010, Florida had more than 900 unregulated pain management clinics. The 49 oxycodone clinics in the state were once...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Drug Charges

Legality of Marijuana Money and Banks

Marijuana is now legal for medical and/or recreational use in 29 states and the District of Columbia. While marijuana is legal at the state level, it’s still a federal crime. This causes not only confusion in the cannabis industry, but it opens the door to myriad complexities as well. Banks are regulated by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC),...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Drug Charges

Possession vs. Intent to Distribute: What’s the Difference?

When it comes to drugs, there are two main charges that a person can face: possession and intent to distribute. Possession refers to someone having drugs for personal use only. Intent to distribute refers to drug trafficking and the sale of drugs. While possession is typically a minor crime, it can cause a person to be charged with a...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Drug Charges

Will More Medical Marijuana Make It’s Way to Florida?

On June 23, Florida Gov. Rick Scott finally signed legislation to implement Amendment 2, the voter-approved constitutional amendment to permit medical marijuana. The legislation, adopted during a special session of the Florida legislature, creates an overall regulatory framework to ensure patient access to medical marijuana. Among other provisions, the new law will significantly increase the number of organizations licensed...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Drug Charges

Is Smokable Marijuana Illegal to Possess in Florida?

There is a still a great deal of uncertainty surrounding Florida’s slow-moving efforts to implement the legalization of medical marijuana. Florida voters approved a constitutional amendment last November stating that the “medical use of marijuana by a qualifying patient or caregiver” should not be subject to civil or criminal liability under state law. But Florida lawmakers, in adopting rules...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Drug Charges

THC DUI Blood Test Bill Proposed in Florida

Florida legislators continue to struggle with last year’s decision by voters to legalize medicinal cannabis through an amendment to the state constitution. Some legislators, concerned that medical marijuana might lead to a rash of people “driving while stoned,” have proposed new laws to expand existing DUI laws to cover THC, the active ingredient in cannabis. However, medical and law...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Drug Charges

Florida Legislative Update Cannabis Edition

With Florida voting to legalize medical marijuana by amending the constitution our legislators are at work trying to craft laws that will regulate this new industry.  At this time we are still in the infancy of this process.  Both senate and house bills are working their way through various committees and being amended.  In fact it appears that there...

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