Many relationships are based on love and trust. The two parties involved respect each other enough to not physically or emotionally hurt one another. They do not forcefully push, shove or hit each other, and they do not use or threaten any other type of violence.
Some relationships, however, become violent. While men are often the ones accused of domestic violence, women can be abusive, as well.
Ultimately, the abuser should be able to control his or her behavior. It’s not the other person’s fault that the abuser physically or emotionally abuses the victim.
An abusive relationship is not healthy. However, victims are often afraid to leave the relationship because they fear the abuser will stalk them, hurt them even more or even kill them.
Signs to Look For
Do you think you or a loved one is in an abusive relationship? There are many signs to look for. First, analyze your feelings and answer these questions:
- Do you avoid talking about certain topics because you don’t want to anger your partner?
- Are you scared of your partner?
- Do you feel as though you can’t do anything right?
- Do you feel helpless?
- Do you feel like you deserve to be mistreated by your partner?
Now, think about your partner’s behavior. Does he or she do any of the following?
- Yell at you
- Humiliate you
- Criticize you
- Treat you in such a cruel manner that you don’t want your loved ones to see
- Blame you for his or her abusive behavior
- Belittle your accomplishments
- Treat you as a sex object
Many abusive people resort to threats and violent behavior. Does your partner do any of the following?
- Hurt you
- Threaten to kill you
- Threaten your children
- Threaten to commit suicide if you leave
- Destroy your personal property
- Force you to have sex
Many abusive people want to have control of their partners. Does your partner control you in these ways?
- Act abnormally possessive or jealous
- Keep you from seeing friends or family
- Limit your access to certain items, such as your phone, car or money
- Need to know where you are at all times
- Constantly check up on you
If you answered yes to many of the questions above, you are in an abusive relationship and should seek help right away. Ask a trusted friend or family member to help you. You can seek help in your community. Contact the authorities and get a restraining order.
Get Help for Your Criminal Case in Orlando
In a domestic violence case, it’s important to understand both sides of the story. Sometimes physical violence occurs accidentally or in self-defense. Sometimes “victims” make up their stories during divorce cases or as acts of revenge.
If you are accused of domestic violence, you need someone on your side to help. Contact the aggressive Orlando criminal defense lawyers at Moses & Rooth. We will assess your case and help you achieve the best outcome possible. Call our office at (407) 377-0150 or contact us online to schedule your free consultation today.