Have you been accused of stealing a credit card or credit card number and making purchases with it? In many circumstances, a conviction for credit card theft results in mandatory incarceration, meaning that judges are required by law to include jail or prison time as part of the legal penalties.
Because of the possibility of serious legal consequences following a credit card fraud or theft conviction, it’s important that you 1) contact an experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as possible following notice of an investigation or charges, and 2) do not talk to anyone about these allegations without first contacting an attorney.
The attorneys of the Orlando, Florida, criminal defense law firm of Moses and Rooth Attorneys at Law, have handled numerous theft and fraud charges, both as prosecutors with Orange and Osceola counties and as private practice criminal defense lawyers. We have worked on both sides of credit card fraud and theft charges involving:
- Credit card numbers stolen from workplaces, register tills and credit card swipe machines in places like restaurants and stores
- Credit cards stolen through burglary
- Credit card numbers stolen through computers, which can involve identity theft
Have Questions? Contact Moses & Rooth Today
If you face credit card theft charges, contact a firm with experience that is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, offers payment plans and free on- and off-site initial consultations. Contact Moses and Rooth Attorneys at Law.