Being arrested for possessing or distributing illegal images is an extremely serious matter in Florida. Prosecutors pursue convictions for these sex crimes vigorously. At Moses and Rooth, Attorneys at Law, we fight to defend your rights and build a solid defense against your charges.
If you have been charged and arrested for any type of child pornography crime, it is imperative to consult with a skilled criminal defense lawyer. Our office is located in the Orlando area, but we can make jail visits if you are unable to come to us.
Get a Head Start on Your Defense
The best thing you can do for your case and to protect your rights is to hire an attorney even before charges are filed. Our attorneys will begin investigating your charges immediately, building a defense to any claim the prosecution may bring.
If you have already been arrested, the prosecution is already working on its case against you. Putting a lawyer in your corner now is essential. We will work with you to design a case that best fits your situation. From not knowing about the illegal images that were on your computer to proving that someone else downloaded the images, we will analyze every criminal defense available.
The penalties for child pornography crimes are strict and very serious. You could be required to wear an electronic monitor, pay large fines, go to jail and have a felony on your record for the rest of your life. Not to mention registering as a sexual predator.
Consult With an Aggressive Child Pornography Defense Team
For answers to your questions regarding your child pornography arrest, contact our Orlando attorneys today.