Juvenile Drug Charges Attorneys
When a juvenile has been arrested for or charged with a drug crime, he or she can face serious penalties, include a one-year driver’s license suspension. The child can face additional problems upon conviction, including becoming ineligible for student loans or grants.
At Moses and Rooth Attorneys at Law, our Orlando juvenile drug charges lawyers represent children throughout Central Florida. If you or your child has been charged with a drug crime such as marijuana possession, do not hesitate to seek legal help immediately. Early intervention in the matter may be key to your child’s future.
Focus on Rehabilitation and Treatment
A criminal matter could affect your child’s future in many ways. The child may face many roadblocks related to obtaining an education or securing a job. Our attorneys focus on getting your child the treatment he or she needs, ensuring that the drug use stops.
A juvenile who is a first-time nonviolent offender maybe be eligible for Teen Court or Drug Court. Successful completion of either program results in the charges being dropped. The juvenile may be able to participate in either of these pretrial diversion programs and avoid the case being taken to Juvenile Court. Diversionary programs focus on rehabilitation rather than punishment, but the juvenile will likely be required to do community service, pay restitution, make an apology or fulfill other requirements.