Orlando Trespass Defense Attorneys
Trespassing charges can certainly arise from an individual entering a property where a “No Trespassing” sign has been posted. However, more frequently, trespass with a warning charges arise when an individual has been asked to leave a property and then remains on the property or returns to the property. Trespassing can be a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the specifics of the situation. In either situation, penalties upon conviction can include jail time.
Our trespass defense attorneys represent Florida residents in and throughout the Orlando area. As former prosecutors, we have in-depth understanding of the situations that can escalate into trespassing with a warning charge. We use our insight to provide effective legal advocacy.
An Example of Trespass After Warning
Trespassing charges can arise from a variety of circumstances. Florida’s trespassing law often creates confusion and legal problems for people who have no prior criminal record and simply do not understand the law.
Consider this example: You were at a bar and had a few drinks. You got in a small scuffle with another patron at the bar and were asked to leave the bar. You realize once going outside that you have left your wallet on the bar counter. You re-enter the bar with the purpose of getting your wallet, and in doing so, you have committed a crime.
Moses and Rooth Attorneys at Law will mount a strong defense on your behalf, fighting the charges against you with the ultimate goal of having the charges dismissed altogether. As your experienced criminal defense lawyers, we vigorously fight criminal charges on your behalf.