Bail Bonds
Helping You When Criminal Charges Affect Your Life
Acquiring a bond following criminal charges is usually costly and confusing. The two attorneys of the Orlando, Florida, criminal defense law firm of Moses and Rooth Attorneys at Law have practiced criminal law for a combined 15 years and can provide guidance and work to resolve all issues involving bail and bonds, including:
- Helping you get a bond
- Working to have your bond cost reduced
- Working to have conditions of your bond modified
- Assisting clients facing an arrest warrant from other states. We can make arrangements with a bondsman that allow out-of-state individuals to return to Florida, turn themselves in and have their bond pre-prepared
- Handling issues involving nebbia hold. “Nebbia hold” is the term used for the requirement that people accused of a crime must prove that the money they used to post a bond was acquired legitimately, legally and without fraud. For instance, alleged drug dealers are not allowed to use funds acquired through alleged illegal drug sales to post bond. Through nebbia hold requirements, the court must sign off on funds used to post bond.
Firm attorneys Andrew Moses and Jay R. Rooth have helped numerous clients post bail and have contacts with numerous bond agents and agencies in Orlando and throughout Central Florida. If you have been charged with a crime, contact Moses and Rooth Attorneys at Law for experienced bond and criminal defense legal help.
Contact Us
Our firm’s main office is conveniently located in downtown Orlando, just a few blocks from the courthouse. Contact the Central Florida bail bonds attorneys at Moses and Rooth Attorneys at Law by calling us at 407-377-0150. You may also complete our online contact form to schedule a free initial consultation.