Kids will be kids, however, when your child’s actions end in an arrest, things can get serious quickly. A fight in school can lead to an arrest for assault and battery, a simple prank can end in a charge of vandalism, and experimentation or giving into peer pressure can bring drug charges that could affect your child’s future. If your child has been charged with a crime, an experienced juvenile criminal defense attorney at Moses and Rooth can help your child put the mistake behind them, so your family can move past this difficult time.
Florida’s 10 Most Common Juvenile Crimes
The Florida Department of Juvenile Justice found from 2013-2014 the 10 most common juvenile offenses were:
- Assault and Battery: Assault and battery are two separate crimes that are often charged together. Florida statute 784.011 defines assault as the intentional, unlawful threat by word or acts to do violence to another person, coupled with an apparent ability to do so, and doing some act, which creates a well-founded fear in the other person that such violence is imminent. Contact does not have to occur in order to be charged with assault, however, to be charged with battery contact must be made. Florida statute 784.03 defines a battery as the actual and intentional touching or striking of another person against the will of the other person or intentionally causing bodily harm to another person.
- Burglary: Burglary is when a person enters or remains in a building with the intent to commit a crime.
- Petit Larceny: A juvenile can be charged with petit larceny if the property taken was between $100 and $300.
- Misdemeanor Violations of Drug Laws.
- Aggravated Assault/Battery: If a deadly weapon is used during an assault, but there was no intent to kill or to commit a felony, then aggravated assault exists. Aggravated battery occurs when a deadly weapon is used, causes great bodily harm, permanent disability, permanent disfigurement, or the victim was pregnant during the offense and the offender knew or should have known the victim was pregnant.
- Grand Larceny (excluding auto theft): A juvenile can be charged with grand larceny if the property is valued over $300.
- Disorderly Conduct: Florida statute 877.03 defines disorderly conduct as acts that by nature corrupts the public morals, or outrage the sense of public decency, or affect the peace and quiet of persons who may witness them, or engages in brawling or fighting. A number of common activities done by teens such as fighting, loitering in certain areas, or creating too much noise could fall under Florida’s definition of disorderly conduct.
- Misdemeanor Obstruction of Justice.
- Trespassing: Your child can be charged with a misdemeanor for trespassing on another’s property.
- Felony Drug Violations.
Fighting, drug use, stealing, even creating too much noise can result in legal trouble for your child. If your child has been arrested for any of the above crimes or any other crime, contact the experienced juvenile criminal defense attorneys at Moses and Rooth to represent your child and to minimize the effects on your child’s future.