| Read Time: 3 minutes | Drug Charges

Is Possession of Fentanyl a Felony in Florida?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), overdose deaths in the United States grew by 30% from 2019 to 2020 and increased by 15% from 2020 to 2021. In 2020 and 2021, overdoses involving fentanyl far outnumbered overdoses involving other controlled substances. As a result of this increase in fentanyl overdoses, many states imposed strict penalties...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Domestic Violence

Explaining Domestic Battery Charges in Florida

If you or a loved one faces charges for domestic battery in Florida, you might be worried about what could happen. Fear of the unknown is perfectly natural. Finding the right domestic battery defense attorney for you may help ease your mind. Having an experienced, successful, and dedicated defense lawyer who has handled numerous battery and domestic violence cases...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Domestic Violence

What Is Considered Domestic Battery in Florida?

Florida authorities take domestic violence accusations very seriously. Unfortunately, disagreements between family members and romantic partners typically unleash strong emotional responses and sometimes result in police officers responding to the scene. Anyone facing domestic battery charges may want to know: A domestic violence attorney at Moses and Rooth can answer your questions about domestic battery in Florida. What Is...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Theft

What Constitutes Grand Theft in Florida

The theft crimes in Florida are distinguished by the type and value of the stolen items. Grand theft is when someone steals property valued above a specific amount. The penalties for this crime can range from hefty fines to imprisonment, depending on the circumstances of the theft. Understanding what constitutes this offense is vital, especially if you or someone...

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| Read Time: 3 minutes | Domestic Violence

Can You Get Probation for Domestic Violence?

Florida maintains comprehensive domestic violence laws that address various offenses involving individuals in a familial relationship. Domestic violence offenses are serious crimes in Florida, and the penalties often include jail time; however, in certain circumstances, securing a probationary sentence is possible. Ultimately, the specific outcome of a domestic violence case depends on the unique facts and circumstances of the...

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| Read Time: 3 minutes | Domestic Violence

Florida Domestic Violence Laws

Undoubtedly, family and domestic violence (DV), such as child abuse, intimate partner abuse, and elder abuse, is a serious problem nationwide. A critical controversy surrounding Florida’s domestic violence laws relates to false allegations. The debate surrounding the rate of false domestic violence complaints has remained significant throughout the decades. Although some argue that false accusations are marginal, the consequences...

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| Read Time: 5 minutes | Drug Charges

How to Beat a Simple Possession Charge in Florida

If you or a loved one were recently arrested for possessing a small amount of drugs, call Moses & Rooth’s right away. Our attorneys can help you fight your simple drug possession charge in Florida. We’ll explain the law, the potential sentence, and how to beat a drug charge.  Never assume you have to plead guilty for simple possession...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Domestic Violence

What to Do When Falsely Accused of Domestic Violence?

A critical controversy surrounding partner violence involves false allegations. False domestic violence and abuse accusations are under-recognized in custody and dispute cases. If you face false allegations of domestic violence, you can experience significant disruptions to your life.  False accusations of abuse represent a significant threat to justice, and it is essential that those falsely accused of domestic violence...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Assault

How to Prove Innocence When Falsely Accused of Sexual Assault

One of the most controversial disputes affecting violence against women and other vulnerable populations is the prevalence of false accusations of sexual assault. Many argue that false reports of sexual assault are significantly overestimated. However, those falsely accused of these harrowing offenses can experience life-long consequences that dramatically impact their relationships, fundamental liberties, and socioeconomic opportunities.  Defending against a...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Sex Crimes

What Happens If You Get Caught in a Prostitution Sting in Florida?

In Florida, soliciting prostitution carries serious criminal consequences. If you have recently been arrested, you might wonder, What happens if you get caught in a prostitution sting?  In addition to incarceration, fines, and additional penalties like community service, solicitation charges can have significant collateral consequences that negatively impact your life. For instance, such charges might sully your reputation at...

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